Author Guidelines

Authors are invited to submit complete and original papers, which have not been published elsewhere and are not currently under consideration for another journal or conference. Manuscripts should be written in English, following the style of our journal in what concerns the technical preparation of the papers, and must be prepared electronically in LATEX macro package.

The authors are required to satisfy all the conditions in the Submission Preparation Checklist. In addition, the authors must use the journal's LaTeX template to write their manuscripts. The LaTeX template of the International Journal of Maps in Mathematics is obtained from the following:
link1 (download for the LaTeX template),
link2 (alternative download for the LaTeX template),
link3 (for overleaf users; no program required).

The manuscripts will include the full address (es) of the author (s), with E-mail address (es) and ORCID id(s), an abstract not exceeding 300 words, 2010 Mathematics Subject Classification, Key words and phrases. All illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.

All references included in the bibliography must be in APA format, contain full identification information, and be cited in context.

The manuscripts should be submitted as much as possible in final form. Upon acceptance that authors cannot perform any change in the content of a manuscript. Each manuscript should contain an introduction with a motivation of the work, a presentation of the current state of art in the approached domain and a description of the newly presented results.

The submitted paper should contain original work which was not previously published, is not under review at another journal or conference and does not significantly overlap with other previous papers of the authors.  The galley proofs are usually sent to the authors.

The journal emphasizes timely processing of submissions and minimal backlogs in publication time. We review papers and advise authors of their paper status with a target turnaround time of 2 months.

In addition to the above details, please read the Submission Preparation Checklist and follow the instructions.

Paper submissions: Please use the online submission system and follow the submission instructions.

Submission Preparation Checklist

 The authors must visit the page Submissions.

Copyright Notice

The authors must visit the page Copyright Policy.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.